A Comprehensive Guide to the Jordan Pass
Forget Jordan’s “Visa On Arrival”, the Jordan pass exists! This is the best alternative to buying a temporary visa to visit the country. It waves to visa fee to enter the nation for a similar price to the actual tourist visa while as packaging it with over forty attractions, including the word famous Petra!
I decided to write this post after I had realized that friends who had visited the country had no idea that this pass existed and would have saved them time and money.

What is a Jordan Pass?
As previously mentioned the Jordan pass has two purposes:
- Waives the fee for a temporary visa to enter the country
- Promote Jordanian tourism across the country, by allowing free entry to 40 heritage sites.
Note: The Jordan pass is not a visa into itself. It waives the visa fees on the condition that you stay 3 whole nights (or 4 days) in Jordan.
How to Purchase a Pass?
The pass can be purchased online, here.
How to use the Jordan Pass
Once purchased online you will be able to either print the pass or bring it up on your phone. When you present yourself in the lline for the Visa on Arrival or at one for the 40 sites that allow the Jordan pass you can pull the pass out and they will scan the QR code on the pass for entry.

Jordan Pass Plan
There are three different plans. The only difference is the number of days you get at Petra.
- Jordan Wanderer – Price: 70 JOD, 1 day entry for Petra
- Jordan Explorer – Price: 75 JOD, 2 consecutive days entry for Petra
- Jordan Expert – Price: 80 JOD, 3 consecutive days entry for Petra

What Attractions Are Included
The Jordan pass allows entry to some of Jordan’s most renowned sites (40 overall).
Here are a few of the most salient ones:
- The stunning lost Nabatean city of Petra
- The desert castles of Eastern Jordan (ex: Qasr Al-Harranah)
- Biblical Mt. Nebo
- Saladin’s Castle at Ajloun
- The Seven Pillars of Wisdom at Wadi Rum
- Hellenic and Roman Ruins at Jerash
- The Citadel of Amman
- The Crusader Castle at Karak
Here are some of the prominant ones that are not included:
- Al-Maghtas (the Babtism Site of Jesus)
- Petra by Night
For a complete list please click here.